Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Maven, Artifactory and Hudson for Oracle OSB Continuous Integration

In the previous blog we discussed about using Ant and Hudson/Jenkins for continuous integration. What hasn't been explicitly discussed is about dependency management, that Maven can handsomely handle.

The benefits of using Maven instead of Ant:
1. standardization following best practices (e.g. directory structure) that leads to shorter/simpler configuration file (pom.xml), less maintenance, and higher reusability
2. transitive dependency management: Maven will find and solve the conflicts of the libraries needed. Perhaps you know this concept already if you've used ivy framework with Ant, but this concept is central in Maven so that lots of innovations has been implemented regarding this feature (e.g. enterprise repositories).
For example I just made adjustment and commited StudentRegistrationService-ver2.0 which depends on LDAPService-ver2.0 and hibernate-ver3.jar. When I deploy the StudentRegistrationService-ver2.0, Maven will include also the LDAPService-ver2.0 and hibernate-ver3.jar from a enterprise repository that stores all the libraries used in your company. If the build & test processes success, the artifact of my new StudentRegistrationService-ver2.0 will be included in the repository, so other services which consume my service will be able to use this version 2.0 of my service. Strong enough, you can specify the version dependencies using ranges (e.g. min version, max version), so I can specify that my service depends on LDAPService max version 2.0 (since I don't support the new interface of the newer LDAPService yet) and also depends on PaymentService min version 3.1.1 since there is a payment bug in the PaymentService version lower than 3.1.1. Here is an example of defining these dependencies in the pom.xml of the StudentRegistrationService:



An illustration about how it works:

1. Using Hudson/Jenkins to let the svn commit trigger the Maven build
Please see the previous blog about how to install and setup Hudson/Jenkins.

For this example, I specify Hudson/Jenkins to pool the svn server every minute (set by the schedule "* * * * *" using cron format). When there is a new commit in the mysvnproject, the Maven "install" goal (along with its previous lifecycles phases i.e. compile, test) will be invoked.

2a. Checkout using mvn-scm plugin


2b. Build the OSB, you can use the same ant task as in my previous blog, wrapped with maven-antrun-plugin.

3a. Obtain the dependencies from the repositories, using dependency:copy-dependencies or dependency:copy.

3b. Deploy the OSB project and its dependencies, you can use the same ant task as in my previous blog, wrapped with maven-antrun-plugin.

4. Run SOAP UI web service test using maven-soapui-plugin (or alternatively you can use testrunner.bat / testrunner.sh similar to my other blog)

<outputFolder>${testreportdir} </outputFolder>

5. Archieving the artifact using an enterprise repository.
The benefit of using enterprise repository:
• your developers don't have to search, download and install the libs manually
• it's faster & more reliable than downloading the libs from internet, the concept is similar to proxy server that cache the internet.
• it will store the artifacts of your company projects from ant/maven builds, so they will be readily available for testing and shipping
• web administration interface, search, backup, import/exports

I chose Artifactory as enterprise repository since it has more features than other products, such as: xpath search inside XML/POM, hudson integration (e.g. for build promotion), conn to ldap, cloud (saas) possibility, easy install (running in an embedded jetty server or as service in Windows/Linux.)
You can use Hudson artifactory plugin to integrate Artifactory to Hudson/Jenkins process.

I use 3 local repositories inside your Artifactory for different library categories:
open source/ibibliolibraries (e.g. apache common jars), the Artifactory can download these automatically
proprietary libraries (e.g. oracle jdbc jar), you need to install these manually (e.g. via Artifactory web interface)
company libraries, you need to install these manually or via Hudson build as done in this example. For the company repository, I define such that the repository cab handle both the release/stable version (e.g. the PaymentService-ver3.1.1 which is already well tested and approved) as well as the snapshot version (e.g. I am not finished with my StudentRegistrationService-2.0 yet but I want to make it available for other projects which depend on it). For example in the artifactory.config.xml:



You need to declare these repositories in your pom.xml (or with similar approach in settings.xml for all of your projects):


For the sake of clarity there are some details omitted from this blog. The concepts in this blog work also for non OSB projects (e.g. Java/J2EE applications).

Any comments are welcome :)

See also: http://soa-java.blogspot.nl/2011/03/soa-continuous-integration-test.html

Setting Up a Maven Repository
Comparison Maven repository: Archiva, Artifactory, Nexus
Amis blog: Soapui test with maven


Steve said...

If you haven't yet selected a build tool, I'd suggest Gradle: the flexibility of Ant with the conventions & dependency management of Maven - and no XML

Leandro said...


I've read your post very carefully and tried to do the same myself but I am not able to do step 3 (deploy to OSB server using weblogic-maven-plugin.jar).

After making all necessary adjustments to pom.xml and run "mvn com.oracle.weblogic:weblogic-maven-plugin:deploy" I get the error: "weblogic.management.DeploymentException: [J2EE:160177]The application at "<....>" was not recognized a
s a valid application type. If this is an EAR file, please ensure the META-INF/a
pplication.xml exists. EJB-JARs should have a META-INF/ejb-jar.xml or correspond.....".

It seems that this plugin is not able to deploy OSB applications (in my case a simple .jar file) to WebLogic...

Can you please help in any way?

Thanks in advance...

Steve Djajasaputra said...

Hi Leandro,
Thank you for your feedback. You can be right that the weblogic-maven-plugin is intended for deploying ears/wars instead of OSB jars. Nevertheless to deploy an OSB jar, you can try the Ant task as in my other blog (using WLST import), perhaps wrapped with maven-antrun-plugin. You can download the code here: http://soa-java.blogspot.com/2011/12/continuous-integration-for-oracle-osb.html

Leandro said...

Hi Steve,

I have manage to get that working (using ant plugin being called from maven) but I would be much more pleased to do it without having ant being mixed in the process (one more technology in to manage and maintain...). Nevertheless for the time being this is the best I achieved so I will wait for improvements on weblogic-maven-plugin (or maybe some other plugin that may be able to do the trick).