Saturday, January 14, 2012

Asynchronous messaging for SOA integration

The advantages of asynchronous messaging:
• asynchronous communication: the client doesn't have to wait for the reply
• more reliable than RPI style http web service (e.g. you can use guarantee delivery / durable subscriber patterns)
loose coupling, thus more resistant to change
• more immediate than integration via file transfer
• avoid schema sharing problem and locking problem of database integration style

Here are some of my blogs about asynchronous messaging for integration:

Messaging patterns implementation using Oracle OSB:
* Asynchronous web service using Oracle OSB
* Reliable SOAP over http in Oracle OSB: Point-to-Point Channel
* Event-driven Publish-Subscribe SOAP over http messaging in Oracle OSB
* Request-Reply messaging using Oracle OSB

Messaging patterns for scalability problems:
* Claim check messaging pattern with Oracle OSB
* Message sequence pattern

* How to setup JMS resources in Weblogic via console and WLST Python script
* Asynchronous web service using Java (JAX-WS)

Please share comment.

Source: Steve's blog


A compilation of messaging patterns, a definitive reference, useful also for example to understand the patterns in Spring Integration and other message oriented middleware products:
Hohpe's Enterprise Integration Patterns

A very good book, very practical if you need to use OSB for your work:
Oracle Service Bus 11g Development Cookbook

This book teach you not only about how to use OSB but also about SOA architecting, governance, versioning and many other "life" lessons dealing with SOA projects:
The Definitive Guide to SOA: Oracle Service Bus

Asynchronous web service using Java (JAX-WS)

In his blog, Edwin Biemond described how to build a asynchronous http web service in Java (Java code first then generate wsdl using JAX-WS).

Summary of the tricks:
• using annotation @OneWay() for asynchronous operation when you define your web service operation using @WebMethod().
• in de http request headers include ws-addressing wsa:MessageID (so that the recepient of the callback can correlate the callback reply message with the request message) and wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address (so that the asyn service knows to which url it has to send the callback reply)
• in de callback reply headers include ws-addressing wsa:RelatesTo, which has the same value with the request's MessageID (so that the recepient of the callback can correlate the callback reply message with the request message)

See also blogs compilation about messaging for integration:

Please share comment.

Source: Steve's blog


A good overview for ws-addressing, ws-policy, ws-reliable messaging, SOA transactions, security
Hohpe's Enterprise Integration Patterns

Request-Reply messaging using Oracle OSB

In his blog, Eric Elzinga showed a simple way to implement Request-Reply messaging pattern with Oracle OSB

You can implement the business logic in the proxy's message flow, perhaps with publish / service callout to forward the message to another services while sending the ack using the jms reply.

See also blogs compilation about messaging for integration:

Please share comment.

Source: Steve's blog

Hohpe's Enterprise Integration Patterns

The Definitive Guide to SOA: Oracle Service Bus

Asynchronous web service using Oracle OSB

In his blog, Edwin Biemond described how to build a Oracle OSB adapter, basically it's a web service  (http) that wraps jms-based asynchronous services (you can implement the async jms service for example using Message Driven Beans MDB, jms-based Java code, Oracle SOA suite or with OSB jms proxy).

• in de web service (http) request headers include the ws-addressing wsa:MessageID (so that the recepient of the callback can correlate the callback reply message with the request message) and wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address (so that the asyn service knows to which url it has to send the callback reply)
• In the jms message, include de CorrelationID to convey the value from wsa:MessageID, and replyURL from wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address.
• in the web service (http) callback reply headers include ws-addressing was:RelatesTo, which has the same value with the request's MessageID (so that the recepient of the callback can correlate the

See also blogs compilation about messaging for integration:

Please share comment.

Source: Steve's blog

Hohpe's Enterprise Integration Patterns

The Definitive Guide to SOA: Oracle Service Bus

Claim check messaging pattern with Oracle OSB

• reduce the message size to ease a performance problem
• make sure the message size conforms the size limitation of the messaging system (e.g. 4 mb limit in the MQMQ)

When the messages are too big to be processed efficiently by web services / transformation, it's better to save some parts of the message in database before the processing and then enrich the result of the processing with the saved data from the database.

See also blogs compilation about messaging for integration:

Please share comment.

Source: Steve's blog

Hohpe's Enterprise Integration Patterns

The Definitive Guide to SOA: Oracle Service Bus

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Message sequence pattern

• to reduce the message size to ease a performance problem (divide & conqueror)
• to make sure the message size conforms the size limitation of the messaging system (e.g. 4 mb limit in the MQMQ)

• The message is split into smaller chunks. Each of these chunks are processed independently by a service process. Finally the results are aggregated back to a single result (for further processing or for reply.)
• The sequence information (message-id, sequence-id, total-sequence, reply address etc) are added in the headers (to avoid parsing the body).
• The construction is generic, de change needed in the business processes are kept to minimum for example by using wrappers/handlers to manage the headers.
• After a timeout period, the incomplete chunk results will go to an error-queue.

Its parallel version is the split-aggregate pattern:

This open an interesting possibility with cloud computing: the processes can be computed for example using map-reduce algorithm from Hardoop. This solution is scalable but we need to consider the latency cost due to the network traffic.

See also blogs compilation about messaging for integration:

Please share comment.

Source: Steve's blog


Hohpe's Enterprise Integration Patterns... one of the most popular SOA books in the market

How to setup JMS resources in weblogic : console and WLST Phython script

Manually via console
1. create a persistent store (for transaction-enable jms server)
console: service>persistent store
2. create a jms server
console: service > messaging > jms server
3. create a jms module
console: service > messaging > jms module
4. create a subdeployment
click jms module > subdeployment tab
5. create a connection factory and jms queue/topic
click jms module > configuration tab

Automation using WLST python scripts
1. create a persistent store (for transaction-enable jms server)
myfileStore = create('myFileStore','FileStore')
2. create a jms server
myjmsserver = create('','JMSServer')
3. create a jms module
jmsMySystemResource = create(" ...modulename...","JMSSystemResource")
4. create a subdeployment
subdeploy = jmsMySystemResource.createSubDeployment('...Subdeploy name....')
5. create a connection factory and jms queue/topic
theJMSResource = jmsMySystemResource.getJMSResource()
connf = theJMSResource.createConnectionFactory('')
connf.setSubDeploymentName('...subdeploy name....')

myqueue = theJMSResource.createQueue('')
myqueue.setSubDeploymentName('...subdeploy name...')

mytopic = theJMSResource.createTopic('')
mytopic .setJNDIName('...jndi....')
mytopic .setSubDeploymentName('...subdeploy name...')

Run this script using weblogic.WLST java class:
command line: java weblogic.WLST
or using Ant:

<java classname="weblogic.WLST" fork="yes" classpathref="wlst.class.path">
<arg line="" />

Please download an example of the python code here.

See also blogs compilation about messaging for integration:

Please share comment.

Source: Steve's blog

Professional Oracle WebLogic Server

The Definitive Guide to SOA: Oracle Service Bus

Event-driven Publish-Subscribe SOAP over http messaging in Oracle OSB

This blog discuss how to implement Publish-Subscribe (one producer, multi subscribers) channel in Oracle OSB. This system embodies Event-driven architecture: the consumers listen to event-messages, published to a topic, by the producer. This channel is reliable, i.e. it implements:
durable subscriber: to avoid missing messages when the consumer is not listening (e.g. disconnect for maintenance)
guarantee delivery: to make sure that all messages are delivered even when the consumer fail
idempotent receiver: dealing with duplicate messages (receive no duplicate messages)
We use SOAP with WSDL since it's a good practice to define your interfaces with WSDL. We use http since in our existing system we use a lot of RPI-style web services over http.

1. build a jms producer business service (BS): SOAP based on the jmssimple.wsdl (downloadable below)
transport tab: jms protocol and the queue address (please read my other blog about how to setup jms resources in Weblogic)
jms transport tab: topic type, message type: text... handy for test since it's readable,no response
2. build one or more jms consumer proxy: SOAP also based on the jmssimple.wsdl,
transport tab: jms protocol and the queue address (same as the address in the BS),
jms transport tab: topic type and message type: text, durable susbcription, XA enable
message handling tab: enable transaction & same transaction response. The transaction will rollback (i.e. put the message back to the queue) in case if a fail consumer, thus this enables guarantee delivery.
3. wrap the producer BS with a proxy: SOAP with a wsdl, http transport.
Add a routing options in the request routing in the proxy message flow, enable the Quality of Service in this option.
4. make a consumer BS point to other webservice (e.g. a FileWriter in my example.)

1. Send a http message (e.g. using SOAPUI) to the producer proxy, the FileWriter service will write a file containing the message from the consumer BS.
2. Disable the FileWriter service
3. Send a http message to the producer proxy again.
4. After awhile turn on the FileWriter service service again, this service will catch up with the messages he missed and write these in the files.

You can watch the jms message in the jms log files: /servers / /logs/ jmsServers/ . By default the jms logging is off, so you may need to turn on the jms logging (console: JMS resource > Configuration > Logging tab.)

You can define also how many times OSB will retry to deliver the messages and define a retrial time out. You may define also an error-channel queue to contain your undelivered messages (after fail retrial attempts.)

Please download the example here (osb 11.1.3 config export).

Using Oracle OSB is an easy way to learn SOA (click here there and voila... your SOA solution is ready.) In the future I will discuss how to implement this using open source ActiveMQ & Spring framework.

Note about terminologies:
I tried to use consistent terminologies (e.g. producer, consumer) while discussing point-to-point queue and publish-subscribe topic in my blogs. In practice, while discussing publish-subscribe topic people use publisher instead of producer and
subscriber instead of consumer.

See also blogs compilation about messaging for integration:

Please share comment.

Source: Steve's blog

Hohpe's Enterprise Integration Patterns... one of the most popular SOA books in the market

The Definitive Guide to SOA: Oracle Service Bus

Reliable SOAP over http in Oracle OSB: Point-to-Point Channel

This blog discuss how to implement Point-to-Point (one producer, one consumer) channel in Oracle OSB. This channel is reliable, i.e. it implements:
durable subscriber: to avoid missing messages when the consumer is not listening (e.g. disconnect for maintenance)
guarantee delivery: to make sure that all messages are delivered even when the consumer fail
idempotent receiver: dealing with duplicate messages (receive no duplicate messages)
We use SOAP with WSDL since it's a good practice to define your interfaces with WSDL. We use http since in our existing system we use a lot of RPI-style web services over http.

1. build a jms producer business service (BS): SOAP based on the jmssimple.wsdl (downloadable below)
transport tab: jms protocol and the queue address (please read my other blog about how to setup jms resources in Weblogic)
jms transport tab: queue type, message type: text... handy for test since it's readable,no response
2. build a jms consumer proxy: SOAP also based on the jmssimple.wsdl,
transport tab: jms protocol and the queue address (same as the address in the BS),
jms transport tab: queue type and message type: text, durable susbcription, XA enable
message handling tab: enable transaction & same transaction response. The transaction will rollback (i.e. put the message back to the queue) in case if a fail consumer, thus this enables guarantee delivery.
3. wrap the producer BS with a proxy: SOAP with a wsdl, http transport.
Add a routing options in the request routing in the proxy message flow, enable the Quality of Service in this option.
4. make a consumer BS point to other webservice (e.g. a FileWriter in my example.)

1. Send a http message (e.g. using SOAPUI) to the producer proxy, the FileWriter service will write a file containing the message from the consumer BS.
2. Disable the FileWriter service
3. Send a http message to the producer proxy again.
4. After awhile turn on the FileWriter service service again, this service will catch up with the messages he missed and write these in the files.

You can watch the jms message in the jms log files: /servers / /logs/ jmsServers/ . By default the jms logging is off, so you may need to turn on the jms logging (console: JMS resource > Configuration > Logging tab.)

You can define also how many times OSB will retry to deliver the messages and define a retrial time out. You may define also an error-channel queue to contain your undelivered messages (after fail retrial attempts.)

Please download the example here(osb 11.1.3 config export).

Using Oracle OSB is an easy way to learn SOA (click here there and voila... your SOA solution is ready.) In the future I will discuss how to implement this using open source ActiveMQ & Spring framework.

See also blogs compilation about messaging for integration:

Please share comment.

Source: Steve's blog

Hohpe's Enterprise Integration Patterns... one of the most popular SOA books in the market

The Definitive Guide to SOA: Oracle Service Bus

Friday, January 6, 2012

Gotchas with XQuery: 4 cases

1. In Xquery (and also XSLT) once you defined a variable you can't change its value. This is due to the properties of declarative programming languages. A common workaround is by redefining the variable.

2. A boolean variable can't be compared with a string 'true' (or 'false')
e.g. if ($aboolvariable='true') will not work
solution: if ($aboolvariable= xs:boolean('true'))

3. If you use if you need to use else even if it's empty
e.g. if ($theanswer='true') then 'the answer is true' else ()

4.. Computed constructor element and the attribute string
Given <media type="book" title="Improve your intelligence for dummies"/>, suppose you want to construct an xml element using: element {$media/@type}{$media/@title}. Recall that the definition of the computed constructor element {name}{content}, so we expect to get: <book> Improve your intelligence for dummies </book > but instead we get: <book title="Improve your intelligence for dummies" />. To solve this problem use: element {$media/@type}{ string($media/@title)}.
Source: Steve's blogs

Any comments are welcome :)

Common Xquery mistakes by James Fuller